Swimming Safely: Minimizing the Risk of Shin Splints

Swimming is often hailed as a low-impact exercise, kind to joints and muscles, and a preferred workout for those recovering from injuries or experiencing joint discomfort. However, it’s essential to recognize that certain aspects of swimming may contribute to the development of shin splints, a condition commonly associated with high-impact activities.

In this comprehensive article, we’ll delve deep into the causes of shin splints, explore how swimming might play a role in their occurrence, and equip you with the knowledge to prevent and alleviate the discomfort associated with this condition.

Understanding Shin Splints: Unmasking the Pain

Shin splints, also known as medial tibial stress syndrome, refer to the pain experienced along the shin bone (tibia) in the front part of the lower leg. It’s typically brought on by intense or recently increased physical activity and often affects runners, dancers, and military recruits. Nevertheless, it can emerge in anyone who frequently exerts stress on their legs.

Shin splints occur when the muscles and bones in this area, along with the connective tissues, experience strain. This results in inflammation and pain. 

To preserve your active lifestyle while preventing shin splints, here are some valuable tips:

  • Gradually Increase Swimming Intensity: Allow your body time to adapt by gradually elevating the intensity of your swimming workouts.
  • Invest in Proper Footwear: For activities outside the pool, opt for footwear with good arch support and cushioning.
  • Strengthen Leg Muscles: Focus on strengthening your calf and leg muscles to provide better support to the tibia.
  • Incorporate Cross-Training: Consider adding low-impact activities like cycling or rowing to reduce strain on your shins.
  • Mind Your Swimming Technique: Pay attention to your form and technique when kicking off the wall at each turn.

By understanding the factors contributing to shin splints and their connection to your tibia and shinbone, you can take steps to prevent this condition from hindering your active lifestyle.

Shin Splints and Their Possible Relationship with Swimming

While shin splints or medial tibial stress syndrome are typically associated with an imbalance between muscles lifting and pulling the foot down, it can still happen during swimming. 

Swimming involves the use of calf muscles during forceful turns and kicks, which can lead to muscle and bone stress, potentially causing shin splints. Improper footwear or engaging in high-impact dryland training can also increase the risk.

However, it’s important to note that developing shin splints from swimming alone is less common and often linked to high-impact exercises in your routine. The actual cause of shin splints may be traced back to activities beyond the pool.

Alternative Low-Impact Exercises: A Breather for Your Shins

If you’re grappling with shin splints or seeking to minimize the risk, there are alternative low-impact exercises that can help you stay active without adding stress to your shins. 

Consider these activities:

Integrating these low-impact activities into your routine will maintain your fitness while allowing your shins time to heal or prevent further injury.

Treatment Options for Shin Splints: Easing the Pain

When shin splints strike, one of the best steps you can take is to grant your body the rest it needs. Avoid activities that cause pain or discomfort, giving your muscles and bones the chance to heal properly.

To reduce inflammation and alleviate pain, use ice packs on your shins for 15 to 20 minutes multiple times a day. Compress the injury by wrapping it in an athletic bandage and elevate your legs to reduce swelling.

Anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen (Advil) are also an option to help with swelling and inflammation, but it’s vital to adhere to recommended dosages and consult your doctor before introducing new medications.

Physical Therapy: Restoring Strength and Balance

Depending on the severity of your shin splints, incorporating physical therapy into your recovery plan can expedite healing. A physical therapist can guide you through specific stretching and strengthening exercises tailored to your muscles, helping to prevent further injury.

Physical therapists begin with gentle stretches and gradually advance to more comprehensive exercises as your pain diminishes.

Orthotic Supports: The Right Footing for Shin Health

In some cases, poor foot mechanics or misalignment can be related to shin splints. In such instances, orthotic supports, such as insoles or custom arch supports, can correct these issues and provide stability to your feet, knees, and legs.

A physical therapist can offer advice on the appropriate orthotic support for your specific requirements.

Prevention Strategies: Shielding Your Shins

Investing in proper footwear with arch support can significantly reduce the risk of shin splints. Opt for shoes with shock-absorbing insoles and adequate support to minimize the impact on your lower legs. 

Individuals with flat feet or high arches may benefit from orthotic devices or inserts, promoting foot and leg stability and reducing the chances of shin splints.

Combining strength training and flexibility exercises is a winning formula for prevention. Strengthening the muscles around your lower leg and enhancing flexibility balances the forces applied to the shin bone during high-impact activities.

  • Strength Training: Target muscles in your calves, ankles, and hips.
  • Flexibility Exercises: Include specific stretches for calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, and muscles in the front part of your lower leg.

Slowly and cautiously ramping up the intensity and duration of your workouts is essential for preventing shin splints. Avoid overloading your muscles by gradually increasing your exercise routine. 

The 10% rule is a useful guideline – don’t increase your workout intensity or mileage by more than 10% each week. This approach provides your body with the time it needs to adapt and minimizes the risk of shin splints from overuse.

Alternating High and Low-Impact Activities

Alternating between high- and low-impact exercises can help reduce the likelihood of shin splints. Incorporating low-impact exercises like swimming, cycling, or rowing into your routine is especially beneficial if you are accustomed to high-impact activities like running or jumping. This approach allows your muscles to recover and lessens the stress on your shins.

In summary, prevention is the ultimate key. By integrating these strategies into your exercise regimen, you significantly enhance your ability to keep shin splints at bay and maintain an active and pain-free lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can you recognize shin splints?

Shin splints typically manifest as a dull ache in the front part of the lower leg along the shin bone (tibia). The pain often intensifies during or after physical activity, particularly running or jumping. 

Tenderness or swelling in the lower leg may also be present. If the pain persists even at rest or becomes severe, it’s advisable to seek medical attention.

2. Is swimming beneficial for individuals with shin splints?

Yes, swimming is generally a favorable exercise for individuals with shin splints. It is considered a low-impact activity that doesn’t impose excessive stress on the shins, making it an excellent alternative to high-impact exercises such as running. 

However, it’s essential to pay close attention to proper swimming techniques, especially when executing forceful turns or using a kickboard to avoid exacerbating shin splints.

3. Can swimming worsen shin splints?

Swimming itself is unlikely to worsen shin splints, given its low-impact nature. However, specific aspects of swimming, such as forcefully pushing off the wall during turns or excessive use of a kickboard, could potentially strain the shins. 

If you experience shin pain while swimming, it’s advisable to assess your technique and consider consulting a coach or physiotherapist.

4. Why do my shins hurt after swimming?

If you experience shin pain after swimming, it may be attributed to overuse or improper technique, particularly during turns or while using a kickboard. However, it’s also possible that the pain is not directly caused by swimming but is merely noticed during or after swimming. 

Other activities, such as walking or running on hard surfaces, could be the actual source of shin pain.

5. What can alleviate shin pain resulting from swimming?

If you’re suffering from shin pain following swimming, the initial step is to rest and permit your body to heal. You can alleviate inflammation and pain by applying ice to the affected area, compressing it with an athletic bandage, and elevating your leg to reduce swelling. 

Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications can also offer temporary relief. In the long term, improving your swimming technique and introducing strength training and flexibility exercises into your routine can help prevent shin pain and ensure your long-term shin health.

Preventing Shin Splints: Your Path to Pain-Free Swimming

Shin splints can be an unwelcome companion on your fitness journey, especially if you’re fond of activities that place stress on your lower legs. Swimming, celebrated for its low-impact nature, can be a savior for individuals with shin splints, offering an opportunity to stay active without exacerbating the condition.

However, it’s essential to remember that maintaining proper swimming techniques is crucial, and you should be vigilant about potential pain or discomfort. Shin splints are often the result of a cumulative effect of high-impact exercises and improper form. 

By incorporating the strategies outlined in this article into your routine, you not only reduce the risk of shin splints but also set the stage for an enduring, pain-free swimming experience.


Swimming can indeed coexist with shin splints when managed wisely. The focus should always be on maintaining good form, gradually increasing intensity, and incorporating low-impact activities to provide your shins with the much-needed respite. By taking these measures, you can continue to enjoy the numerous benefits of swimming while keeping shin splints at bay.

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