In case you’re searching for a moderate, compelling approach to catch photographs and recordings during your diving, the Go Pro Hero 3 is a strong decision. This submerged camera retails at a sensible cost and has all the highlights you require in an essential submerged camera.

We set up this audit to give you a thought of what you’re getting when you purchase a Go Pro Hero 3.

This incorporates how the camera acts when all is said in done, how it performs submerged, and how it analyzes to comparable cameras available. Before the finish of this survey, you’ll know whether a Go Pro Hero 3 is the diving camera you need.

What Is a Diving Camera?

Diving cameras will be cameras that are intended to utilize underwater. The main portion of this is the IP rating, which reveals to you how much water and residue entrance a camera can deal with. In a perfect world, you need a camera that can deal with the most profound profundities you’re ready to jump, that way you never need to stress over your camera not working when you dive excessively profound.

Nonetheless, a decent waterproof rating isn’t the main thing you have to search for in a plunging camera. Since you will utilize this camera for catching photographs and recordings underwater, you’ll need a camera that does well in low light and has the correct sort of focal point. Regardless of whether you could take your ordinary advanced camera underwater without it breaking, odds are it would experience difficulty catching quality photographs in that sort of climate.

Despite what sort of camera you purchase, putting resources into a decent red channel will help improve the nature of your photographs fundamentally.

What Is the Go Pro Hero 3?

Go Pro’s line of Hero cameras started right in 2005 with the arrival of the 35mm Go Pro Hero. Almost 10 years after the fact in October 2013, the Go Pro Hero 3 was delivered. The Hero 3 was advertised as a more modest, lighter and more versatile rendition of past cameras with more highlights worked in, for example, WiFi. Nonetheless, it additionally denoted the first run through in quite a while that Go Pro Hero cameras had changed their actual measurements, making it a significant advance in Go Pro’s development.

The Go Pro Hero 3 is a waterproof camera with moderately high force at its cost and size. Since this camera is intended for catching activity shots during dives, climbs and other outside experiences, it’s anything but difficult to pack around and intended to withstand a ton of misuse.

This camera arrives in a couple of various variants: White Edition, Silver Edition and Black Edition. The White Edition Hero 3 is the customer grade release, highlighting a 5 MP camera and fewer highlights. The Silver is considered “prosumer grade” and is made for the top of the line purchasers, while the Black is the expert evaluation model for individuals who need the most force.

Go Pro Hero 3 Specifications

Even though there are various variants of the Go Pro Hero 3, we’ll be discussing the standard White Edition for the reasons for this audit. Not exclusively is the White Edition the least expensive of all the Go Pro Hero 3 cameras, but on the other hand, it’s the most generally accessible right up ’til the present time. You may experience difficulty finding a shiny new Black or Silver Edition Hero 3 camera, yet sites like Amazon sell the Go Pro Hero 3 spic and span at a sensible cost. To the extent what you’ll get from moving up to the Black or Silver Edition, the principle improvement will be in the MP of the camera, which permits you to record higher-goal video at a higher frame rate.

Camera Quality

The Go Pro Hero 3 isn’t the best regarding unadulterated camera quality, yet that is because its primary center is solidness and adaptability. The White Edition Hero 3 has a 5 MP camera that permits you to catch strong photographs, yet very little better than a telephone can catch. Go Pro Hero 3 have the ability to record your video 1080p at 30 fps, 960p at 48 fps, and 720p at 60 fps. Remember that the additionally requesting video you’re catching, the snappier you can anticipate that your battery should pass on.

Lithium Battery

A battery is a colossally significant component when you’re discussing a diving camera. You need your camera battery to keep going long enough that you aren’t continually causing trips back home to energize to once more. The 1050 mAh lithium-particle battery in the Hero 3 isn’t the best; however you do have the choice of purchasing extra batteries so you can trade them out varying. What’s more, since there are huge loads of various makers making Hero 3-viable batteries, you can discover them evaluated pretty financially on the web.

Actual Size

At the point when you’re taking a camera with you on a dive, you need it to be light and little enough that you wouldn’t fret hauling it around. The Go Pro Hero 3 fits this necessity more than maybe whatever else, weighing simply 2.6 ounces – simply a touch more than one-eighth of a pound. With the focal point (yet without the defensive packaging), the Go Pro Hero 3 estimates simply 41mm x 59mm x 30mm. This is one of the littlest, lightest cameras you can discover available, particularly when you consider its cost and how you can manage it.

Sound System

Even though this is a camera, the sound is still colossally significant as a result of the climate in which you’re catching photographs and recordings. Go Pro is known for its incredible breeze decrease innovation in its cameras, and the Go Pro Hero 3 White Edition is no special case. Besides that, Go Pro updated the catching arrangement of the Hero 3 to ensure it gives sound as shocking as the video.

Strong Design

As far as toughness, the Go Pro Hero 3 is close to the first spot on the list for cameras. This little yet powerful activity camera is intended to be waterproof up to 131 feet without the included packaging and almost 200 feet with the packaging. It’s likewise intended to be shockproof, so you don’t need to stress over dropping your camera from a couple of feet or thumping it against things.


The Go Pro Hero 3 is easy to utilize regardless of how experienced you are. The camera charges utilizing a USB link that connects to a divider charger much like your telephone. At the point when you need to associate your Hero 3 to your PC to view and move your photographs and recordings, essentially interface the USB link to the PC rather than the divider charger. At the point when you join this simple ease of use with the wide range of various valuable highlights of the Go Pro Hero 3, you get an extraordinary passage level jumping camera.

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Go Pro Hero 3 Pricing

Pricing for the Go Pro Hero 3 relies upon which model you pick and where you purchase your camera. Since the Go Pro Hero 3 is a more seasoned model, you may make some intense memories finding the Black and Silver Editions. The White Edition of the camera is accessible from various retailers for about $200. Notwithstanding, the Silver and Black Editions are impressively harder to discover new. Right now, you can purchase the Black Edition Hero 3 on Amazon. The Silver Edition, then again, is just accessible utilized or renovated yet can be bought for as low as $137.69 as an affirmed repair.

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After reading this article as to this valuing analyzes to comparable cameras from different brands, the Hero 3 is a smidgen more costly than your normal camera yet additionally a touch more proficient. Indeed, you can purchase a waterproof activity camera for genuinely modest from a brand you’ve never known about, however, you won’t get the incredible sound and picture quality that Go Pro is known for.


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