Swimming with Eyelash Extensions

Swimming is a delightful way to escape the summer heat, but if you’re concerned about how your gorgeous eyelash extensions will fare in the water, fret not. 

Eyelash extensions are more resilient than you might think. You can splash, dive, and swim to your heart’s content without ruining your lash extensions and other makeup, provided you follow some simple guidelines.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll address all your burning questions about swimming with eyelash extensions, why it’s perfectly okay, and how to ensure they stay in perfect shape. 

We’ll delve into the effects of chlorine and saltwater on lash extensions, share best practices for maintaining their longevity, and provide expert tips for post-swim care. So, read on to dive into the world of swimming with lash extensions.

The Wait Time for Glue Curing: How Long is Enough?

One common question that troubles lash extension enthusiasts is how long to wait before taking the plunge after getting extensions. In the past, you might have heard recommendations to wait 24 to 48 hours, or even an astounding 72 hours, for the glue to cure completely. But that’s no longer the case.

Thanks to advancements in adhesive formulas, it now takes just about 4 hours for the glue to cure fully and bond the extensions securely to your natural lashes.

Imagine waiting for two full days before wetting your lashes. What if you need to cry or wash your face during that time? Two days without those simple activities or enduring awkward workarounds? It’s an unnecessary hassle. 

In the ever-evolving world of lash extensions, this curing time may be further reduced, offering the hope of swimming almost immediately after getting lash extensions.

Swimming at the Beach: Saltwater and Waves

If your desire is to enjoy the beach with lash extensions, there are two primary concerns: saltwater and waves.

Exposure to Salt

Saltwater can compromise the adhesive on your lash extensions or shorten their lifespan, even more than oil-based cosmetics. Salt acts as a desiccant, absorbing moisture necessary for the glue’s initial setting. 

After the glue cures, salt can gradually disintegrate it on a chemical level, leading to quicker loss of your fake lashes.

However, minor exposure to salt, such as your naturally salty perspiration, is not usually a problem. The real issue arises with prolonged exposure, especially if you’re submerged underwater for extended periods. 

The solution? Protect your lashes by wearing goggles or a dive mask, which serves the dual purpose of safeguarding your extensions from both chemical disintegration and physical damage. After swimming, rinse your lashes with freshwater to remove salt residues.

Exposure to Waves

The other concern at the beach is the forceful impact of waves that can threaten your extensions. Powerful waves can dislodge even tightly secured goggles or other protective gear, potentially tearing off your eyelash extensions.

Beyond waves, other beachgoers splashing around, stray volleyballs, or your own urge to rub your eyes can pose risks to your lash extensions. Upon returning from the beach, be cautious when letting the shower head spray directly onto your eyelashes. 

While you can shower with extensions, avoid letting pressurized water be the first point of contact.

Swimming in the Pool: Chlorine and More

If your eyelash extensions can endure a day at the beach, they are certainly up for a swim in the pool. Wait at least four hours for the glue to cure before diving in, but be mindful of a couple of potential dangers.

Exposure to Chlorine

Chlorine, the chemical used to treat pool water, can kill bacteria but comes with side effects like dry hair and skin. It can also react with lash adhesives. Limiting exposure to chlorine is crucial. 

Wear goggles spacious enough not to crush your extensions while maintaining a tight seal to keep water out. If standard goggles don’t meet these requirements, consider wearing a dive mask.

Chlorine dries your skin and hair by stripping away natural oils, which, while beyond the scope of this article, makes post-swim rinsing and moisturizing a must. 

Prolonged exposure to chlorine can lead to lash adhesive degradation, causing your extensions to fall out faster. After a swim, rinse your extensions with freshwater to extend the adhesive’s lifespan.

Exposure to Splashes and Water Pressure

Apart from chlorine, be wary of poolside elements that could physically damage your extensions. Exercise caution around boisterous children, teenagers, or anyone causing unexpected splashes. Beware of stray pool noodles, kickboards, or other swimmers; even a minor collision can dislodge your extensions.

Diving is also inadvisable with lash extensions, as the impact of goggles during a dive can damage your eyes. At water parks, stay attentive to water sprays and splashes, as high-pressure sprays to the face can disorient you and hasten extension loss.

Post-Swim Care: Rinse, Clean, and Dry

After swimming, ensure your lash extensions remain in pristine condition through a simple aftercare routine. Begin by rinsing your extensions with freshwater, letting it flow down your face rather than directly splashing them. 

Then, use a clean mascara wand or brush along with your favorite lash cleanser and cotton pads.

Apply the cleanser onto your lashes or onto the wand, creating a lather by swirling it with a soft makeup brush. Gently brush the foam onto your lashes to eliminate lingering dirt or oil along the lash line and spread the cleanser. 

Rinse away the foam with water. Finally, dry your extensions using a gentle pat with a soft washcloth or cotton pads. Alternatively, you can use a blow dryer on a cool-low setting.


Don’t let your fear of damaging your eyelash extensions deter you from enjoying the beach or the pool. While you can swim with lash extensions, it’s essential to minimize their exposure to water. Always wear goggles or a dive mask to safeguard them from water and external forces.

Should you neglect this safeguard, your extensions may not last as long as expected. By following these guidelines and ensuring proper aftercare, you can confidently make a splash and dive into the water with your beautiful lash extensions intact. Enjoy your swim while looking fabulous!

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