Scuba diving is a very wonderful underwater sport and many people like this type of sports. People attract from this sport because they are very curious about what the undersea world is.

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Unfortunately, we do not breathe inside the water that’s why we are not able to see the whole undersea world because the world is covered almost 73 percent water and just 27 percent dry area. Hence, diving allows us to see the underwater world.

We are not fully aware of what type of spices inside the water. For explore the underwater world people are doing the scuba diving.

This sport is dangerous as well if you have not fully equipped then your life would be in danger.

So this is very important to you have fully equipped and you are fully trained about how to dive inside the water and how to operate the equipment. 

Sometimes the divers have all the types of equipment and they are fully trained on how to operate all types of equipment but they are not aware of how to jump inside the water.

Sometime diver jumps inside the water and faces a lot of difficulties. In this article, we are discussing in detail the total way of DIVE BACKWARDS inside the water and what mistakes diver to do while DIVE BACKWARDS inside the water.

5 Most common scuba diving entry techniques

  • Giant stride entry for deep
  • Scuba diving backward entry for deep water
  • Scuba diving forward roll entry for deep water
  • Seated entry for shallow water
  • Shore entry wading with or without fins

I can explain all the jumping techniques but we will discuss Backward scuba diving with all details because backward scuba diving is the safer dive for the divers.

Giant stride entry for deep (Exercise Steps )

The short form of Giant stride entry is (GSE), this is the most common type of diving inside the water. Mostly we can perform this action from decks, docks, Charter dive boats or any kind of stable platforms.

Scuba diving forward roll entry for deep water

How to Dive Roll Step by step for beginner

The forward roll is just another way of jumping if you are board from giant stride, then you must try this style diving. Hold your mask from the right hand and bend you back forward and jump forward.

Seated entry for shallow water

This position is very common and easy to do if the water is deep then you sit on the edge of the boat or deck put your right hand on your mask and jump inside the water.

Shore entry wading with or without fins

Inshore entry diver wears all the scuba types of equipment except fins and walks through the beach or shoreline toward the water. When water gets around waist high that you can swim then the diver out on the fins.

These are the 4 basic techniques which are discussing with you but now we are discussing the most secure technique which is called backward water entry.

How-to Perfect your Backward water Entry

Sometimes when scuba divers try backward water entry it can be intimidating. This backward water entry is easy for anyone but it does take few tries to indeed perfect this type of dive entry. It is very easy for the divers as suiting up all gears. Just sit at the corner of the boat put the right hand on your mask and Backward Water Entry.

This position of jumping is very easy for the divers because this jump decreases the panic level and decreases the chances to take off the mask form his or her face due to the pressure of water.

backwards from boat by PADI Trainer Guided

Does everyone jump together?

why do scuba divers dive backwards ,why do divers fall backwards ,why do divers dive backwards ,why do scuba divers fall backwards ,why do divers go in backwards,why do divers fall backwards into the water

Sometimes the caption places the boat in perfect position. And the diver dive in the water one by one but sometimes it’s happened very dangerously that’s why divers preferred to jump inside the water simultaneously.

Sometimes the water is not stable and divers jump one by one inside the water due to this sometimes divers’ hits to each other.

That’s why they preferred when the caption gives a signal to them then they jump inside the water simultaneously.

When the backward roll is best?

When you are on vacations and you want to do scuba diving then this article will help you a lot. Here we are discussing the steps one by one:

  • The diver must need to equip all gears on deck or boat because all scuba types of equipment are very heavy and if the diver equips these things before jumping, it will tired him and when he jumped inside the water he loses his or her energy already.
  • The most important thing before backward diving is choosing the place where you sit and dive inside the water. This is very important because you are already equipped with heavy types of equipment, and if you choose the wrong place then maybe your jump will be dangerous for you. Some cases reported sometime diver jump from not a proper place and their equipment stuck with boat or deck.
  • The diver must know the place of diving, and before diving, he or she must ensure that how much distance from the boat or deck. The place he or she jump that is the right place. Sometimes divers jump on the other diver and sometimes he jumps inside the water without knowing the distance between rocks inside the water and water surface.
  • When you jump inside the water it is very compulsory for the diver how to handle his or her all types of equipment which they carried, because when you jump inside the water its very common some divers lose his or her face mask. That’s why before jumping put your right hand on a face mask and then jump inside the water.

Backward roll is very famous and preferable in scuba divers, due to some safety concern. Because divers wear heavy equipment when they are going inside the water, this can make a boat unstable and create problem those people who are on the boat.

Why backward roll is the preferred method for many divers? Why they fall backward?

why do scuba divers dive backwards ,why do divers fall backwards ,why do divers dive backwards ,why do scuba divers fall backwards ,why do divers go in backwards,why do divers fall backwards into the water

As I discuss before 4 other ways of jumping but Backwards method is the most common and securable way of jumping.

Here are a few reasons:

  • This method helps you to control your equipments when you diving backward, you have to control your equipments very easily. You would not be able to lose your equipment you can keep your face mask and hoses stable.
  • If you dive inside the water with the forward method then the diver will have water filtering up in their mask maybe this thing happened to take his or her mask to lose or taken off of the diver, so it’s best to dive backward.
  • This method stabilizes the boat, if your boat is inflatable or small boat then this method is really good for it.
  • Small boats have less place to stand and jump inside the water and if anyone does this it will give a bad jerk to the boat and maybe boat will be unstable which makes the problem for those people who are on board on a boat. If you are backward jump then it will less jerk to the boat.
  • Falling backward is also good for your body. When you wear an oxygen tank full of oxygen, its weight is in kilograms.
  • And then you jump inside the water forward with your all equipment, especially heavy tank on your back can be very painful and when you falling backward, then the impact of smashing is very low and you are not facing the pain.


We are discussing in this article Backward dive inside the water. But we are also discussing on 4 another type of diving’s, but backward diving is very common and safer dive in the world.

For the average person, scuba diving is a very mysterious hobby. People are very curious about what is inside the sea that’s why people choose this hobby they want to see the world inside the water.

But for complete your dreams you must know what is scuba diving and how to operate all the types of equipment and how to jump inside the water.

Sometimes people jump inside the water in the wrong position and their face mask loss from his or her faces and then they will pay price for it.

Before jumping inside the water diver must know what is the distance between the surface of the water and boat.

Then he or she has decided to jump in the forward position or backward roll. Backward roll is safer for the diver as well as boat crew members.

Backward roll helps the diver to jump easily inside the water and it also gives less jerk to the boat. That’s why scuba divers love backward dive.

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why do scuba divers dive backwards ,why do divers fall backwards ,why do divers dive backwards ,why do scuba divers fall backwards ,why do divers go in backwards,why do divers fall backwards into the water
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