Do Sharks Get Attracted to Human Poop in the Ocean?

When you find yourself out at sea with the urge to go, you might wonder if doing the ‘aqua dump’ and releasing your waste into the ocean could attract the attention of sharks. After all, these apex predators are renowned for their ability to detect the slightest trace of substances in the water, such as blood. 

In this article, we will dive into the intriguing question of whether sharks are genuinely drawn to human waste or if it’s just another maritime myth.

Do sharks eat poop?

Sharks, in general, do not exhibit any preference for consuming feces. Their diets primarily consist of various marine creatures, dictated by their specific species. For instance, great white sharks favor seals and sea lions, while whale sharks sustain themselves on plankton. 

Poop doesn’t rank as a primary or desirable food source for any known shark species. Although they may inadvertently ingest fecal matter while pursuing other prey, there is scant evidence to suggest that sharks actively seek out or favor feces as sustenance.

Do sharks smell human waste in the water?

Sharks possess an extraordinary sense of smell, which they utilize to detect even minuscule quantities of substances in the water. Their olfactory prowess allows them to pick up one drop of blood amidst a million drops of water. 

Given this keen sensitivity, it’s conceivable that sharks can detect human waste in the water. However, this does not necessarily imply attraction or a predilection for it. The ability to detect a scent and have a behavioral reaction to it remains a distinct aspect.

Detecting Scents in the Ocean

Sharks boast one of the most advanced olfactory systems in the animal kingdom. Depending on factors like water conditions and currents, certain species can detect scents from several hundred meters away. 

The role of water currents is pivotal in scent distribution. For instance, in the presence of strong currents carrying a scent, sharks might pick up the scent from even greater distances. However, pinpointing an exact detection range for all shark species and circumstances remains challenging, as it varies significantly.

Human Urine vs. Feces and Shark Attraction

Scientifically, there is no definitive evidence supporting the notion that sharks are attracted to human urine or feces. While their acute olfactory senses likely enable them to detect both, this does not translate into an appetite for these waste products. 

One theory tangentially related to poop attracting sharks suggests that human defecation in the ocean can trigger an algae bloom. Coral reef fish are attracted to algae, and sharks, in turn, are drawn to the coral reef fish, but they exhibit no interest in the feces itself.

Can Human Poop Repel Sharks?

Concrete scientific evidence is lacking to suggest that human feces repel sharks. Sharks primarily rely on their sense of smell to locate prey. The presence of human waste in the water does not seem to significantly impact shark behavior, whether positively or negatively. 

In a scenario where you encounter a shark and happen to defecate out of fear, it is unlikely to alter the shark’s behavior towards you in any noticeable way. The ability to detect a substance does not equate to a behavioral response.

Misconceptions Surrounding Shark Attraction to Human Waste

Do Sharks Get Attracted to Human Poop in the Ocean?

Several factors contribute to the misconception that human waste attracts sharks:

Misinformation and Myths

Over time, myths about sharks have persisted, often due to a lack of understanding about these creatures.

Movies, television shows, and sensationalized news sometimes portray sharks as aggressive creatures irresistibly drawn to scents in the water, even if exaggerated.

General Fear:

Sharks are often misunderstood and feared. In vulnerable environments, people may latch onto any information, whether valid or not, as an explanation for potential dangers.

Anecdotal Evidence:

Personal stories or experiences, even if rare or misinterpreted, can spread and become accepted as general truths.

Effects of Human Waste Composition in Saltwater

The composition of human waste can undergo changes when introduced to saltwater:


Urine and feces disperse their components relatively quickly in saltwater.

Chemical Reactions

Saltwater, with its salinity and mineral content, can instigate chemical reactions with waste substances, potentially altering pH or breaking down certain compounds.

Bacterial Activity

Saltwater harbors its microbial ecosystem, which may act upon human waste, leading to further decomposition and potential changes in composition.

However, there is no substantial evidence to indicate that the altered composition of human waste in saltwater significantly affects shark attraction.

Impact on Other Marine Animals

Human waste can introduce nutrients into the marine ecosystem, potentially resulting in localized algae or microorganism blooms. Some marine creatures, like certain small fish or filter feeders, may indirectly be drawn to areas with higher nutrient concentrations. However, this is a secondary effect, not a direct attraction to the waste itself.

On the flip side, excessive human waste can harm marine ecosystems, causing oxygen depletion and adversely affecting marine life, especially in areas with pollution or untreated sewage discharge.


The notion that sharks are innately drawn to human waste lacks substantial scientific backing. While they possess remarkable olfactory abilities, sharks primarily rely on their senses to locate suitable prey rather than fecal matter. Understanding the facts about sharks and their behavior can help dispel myths and foster a more accurate perception of these magnificent creatures in our oceans.

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